2019年11月21日 星期四

1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

Let's Play in the Forest

Bend and Stretch

Hide and Seek
鴨子跟青蛙問狐狸:What game shall we play? 玩什麼遊戲好?

What game shall we play? 來玩套圈圈吧!
What game shall we play? 來玩套圈圈吧!




1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

1116 Story Class B: What Game Shall We Play? + Let's Play in the Forest

2019年11月20日 星期三

1116 Story Class A: Going Somewhere Special

Going Somewhere Special 

Tricia Ann 穿上了洋裝,她央求奶奶今天讓她自己去“那個特別的地方”


Tricia Ann上了公車之後,只能坐在公車的後頭,專門給黑人乘坐的位置 “Colored Section"
這公園的美麗噴泉, Tricia Ann的阿公也是工作人員之一呢...

可是Tricia Ann在公園裡走得好累之後,卻不能在長椅上坐下來休息...
因為,上面寫著"For Whites Only" (給白人坐的)

Tricia Ann在到達“那個特別的地方”前遇到了好幾位給她加油打氣的人物...
"Don't let those signs steal your happiness."

經過重重困難與刁難,Tricia Ann終於來到了她那的“特別的地方”
“ All are welcome." 沒有分白人、黑人,大家都可以進入圖書館這知識的殿堂

2019年11月13日 星期三

1113 繪本唱遊K1: Handa's Hen+ Little Red Hen

1113 繪本唱遊K1: Handa's Hen + The Little Red Hen
Handa's Hen動畫:Handa跟好朋友 Akeyo一起找母雞的過程中,發現了村莊裡其他有趣的動物. 孩子們很快發現動物與數字1-10有相關聯喔~👍👍👍

Shake Your Sillies Out

Shake Your Sillies Out

Flitter, Flutter

Flitter, Flutter

延伸活動: Feed the Hen 
One, two, three...

1106 繪本唱遊K1:Say Hello to the Animals + Please Don't Chat to the Bus Driver

Christine多年前錄的故事 💜


Sight Word: Fun

Sight Word: Fun





0215 Story Class A: The Bat Who Wore Glasses

是關於一隻蝙蝠,牠戴上眼鏡後,發現自己能夠以全新的方式看待世界。這本書鼓勵讀者擁抱自己獨特的特質,並以不同的視角看待生活中的挑戰。     The Bat Who Wore Glasses How Do Bats ‘See’ if They’re Blind? | COLOSSA...