2020年6月25日 星期四

2020年6月19日 星期五

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

Little Green Donkey


Warm up activity: put the bean bag on your...

Watermelon and seeds

Watermelon and seeds

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey
0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey
0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0617 繪本唱遊K1: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0613 Story Class A: Rudi's Pond + The Bear Ate Your Sandwich

0613 Story Class A: Rudi's Pond + The Bear Ate Your Sandwich
面對失去好朋友、親人時,除了悲傷,還能用什麼樣的方式來紀念他. 生死議題,值得跟孩子共讀的好書~
Bear Facts

前美國總統夫人與前總統Michelle and Barack Obama搭檔朗讀The Bear Ate Your Sandwich 好看 好聽💕💕💕

0613 Story Class B: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0613 Story Class B: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

Little Green Donkey

Warm up: Walk with the Bean Bag

Warm up: Walk with the Bean Bag

Little donkey只愛吃草,其他的食物都不愛...


0613 Story Class B: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

0613 Story Class B: I Say, You Say. Colors! + Little Green Donkey

2020年6月15日 星期一

0606 Story Class B: Shark's Big Surprise + A Birthday for Cow

0606 Story Class B: Shark's Big Surprise + A Birthday for Cow

Baby Shark

Shark's Big Surprise

A Birthday for Cow
暖身歌曲: Shake Your Scarf

暖身歌曲: Shake Your Scarf

0606 Story Class A: Giraffe Problems

0606 Story Class A: Giraffe Problems

前美國總統夫人(Michelle Obama) 讀故事:
Giraffe Problems 💕💕💕

Giraffe 原本很嫌棄他的長脖子,沒想到到頭來,
他的長脖子能輕而易舉讓烏龜吃到香蕉. 除了幫了烏龜大忙,還讓他們成為好朋友呢~

Giraffes for Kids

美國總統夫人(Michelle Obama) 讀故事:好聽 好喜歡💗



2020年6月4日 星期四

0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep


1: 小雞睡不著,牠划著船去找關於睡覺的秘訣...
2: 菜園裡出現的害蟲,到底吃了多少農作物?

Warm up: My Head, My Shoulders

Shake Your Sillies Out

There's a pest in the garden

Moon Moon Moon

Pease Perridge Hot
Clpping game: two on the lap + one clap

Row Row Row Your Boat: 孩子們唱到欲霸不能💗
暖身歌曲:My Head, My Shoulders


0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

0122 繪本唱遊K1: My First Chinese New Year

今天是過年前最後一堂課, 我們一起聽繪本, 講述過年期間的活動,大掃除、除夕團圓、穿新衣、 佈置喜氣洋洋、領紅包🧧⋯   讓孩子們繪英文春聯,孩子們發揮創意、盡情創作, 真的有過年氣氛了呢。 春聯上寫著: 2025🥰   圓點貼金元寶 Luck 🍀 (滿滿的好運) Chri...