2018年5月27日 星期日

0526 Story Class B: Is that Wise, Pig? + There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

0526 Story Class B: Is that Wise, Pig? + 
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

0526 Story Class B: Is that Wise, Pig? + There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly

湯裡要放雨傘? 這畫面惹的孩子們哈哈笑 

 原來雨傘在這時候可以派上用場啊 哈哈

Pass the potato.聽音樂指令來傳馬鈴薯. 

音樂一停, 要暫停所有動作~

Oliver and Owen's turn.

Freeze! 不能動喔!

              One potato, two potato - Super Simple Songs



0215 Story Class A: The Bat Who Wore Glasses

是關於一隻蝙蝠,牠戴上眼鏡後,發現自己能夠以全新的方式看待世界。這本書鼓勵讀者擁抱自己獨特的特質,並以不同的視角看待生活中的挑戰。     The Bat Who Wore Glasses How Do Bats ‘See’ if They’re Blind? | COLOSSA...