今天配合德化國小芋頭特色課程的學習成果展,Christine選了紐西蘭作家 Craig Smith的The Scariest Thing in the Garden來跟孩子進行互動故事。 從各式各樣的蔬菜開始,帶入芋頭(taro),再搭配歌謠講故事,孩子很配合的’尖叫‘跟唱’Oh! Woe is me. ‘的橋段,真是太可愛了。 最後設計一個聽音樂指令‘採芋頭’的團體遊戲 wrapped up the
storytelling. 💕 謝謝四健會木生會長及德化國小的邀約,讓我有幸參與並看到學校很用心的結合核心素養課程,讓孩子學習跨領域的知識與常識,德化國小的孩子真的太幸福啦。
There is so much to be thankful for... My parents, in-laws, husband, kids, my students and students' parents, friends, and teachers who have inspired me along the road.... Thank you all for the strength.💗💗💗 Let's keep moving.