2018年11月15日 星期四

1107 繪本唱遊K1: Thank You, Mr. Panda + Animal Fashion Parade

Warm up: Around and Around 

Lie down and relax...

Thank You Mr. Panda by Steve Antony Trailer

         Thank You Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

                                       One Elephant Went Out to Play
It's the thought that counts. 心意最重要!

Where is the little mouse hiding? 小老鼠躲在哪間房子呢?




My Panda and Me!

My Panda and Me!

My Panda and Me!

My Panda and Me!

1 則留言:

  1. It's the thought that counts. 心意最重要!


0215 Story Class A: The Bat Who Wore Glasses

是關於一隻蝙蝠,牠戴上眼鏡後,發現自己能夠以全新的方式看待世界。這本書鼓勵讀者擁抱自己獨特的特質,並以不同的視角看待生活中的挑戰。     The Bat Who Wore Glasses How Do Bats ‘See’ if They’re Blind? | COLOSSA...