2020年1月7日 星期二

0104 Story Class B: Who's in the Tree that Shouldn't Be + Penguin on Vacation

💛 Happy 2020! 💛
Who's in the Tree that Shouldn't Be: 觀察並猜測哪種動物不應該出現在哪個場景,孩子們觀察的很細微,讓老師刮目相看呢!

Penguin on Vacation:描述已經厭倦住在冰雪裡的企鵝,決定到熱帶地區去度假的有趣過程. 企鵝跟螃蟹變成了好朋友喔.

Penguin on Vacation

Penguin Song


Put the bean bag on your head.

Toss the bean bag.

Who's in the Tree that Shouldn't Be
孩子要接唱: shouldn't be, shouldn't be💚

Penguin song
Sight word: who

Sight word: who
0104 Story Class B: Who's in the Tree that Shouldn't Be + Penguin on Vacation



0122 繪本唱遊K1: My First Chinese New Year

今天是過年前最後一堂課, 我們一起聽繪本, 講述過年期間的活動,大掃除、除夕團圓、穿新衣、 佈置喜氣洋洋、領紅包🧧⋯   讓孩子們繪英文春聯,孩子們發揮創意、盡情創作, 真的有過年氣氛了呢。 春聯上寫著: 2025🥰   圓點貼金元寶 Luck 🍀 (滿滿的好運) Chri...