2020年6月4日 星期四

0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep


1: 小雞睡不著,牠划著船去找關於睡覺的秘訣...
2: 菜園裡出現的害蟲,到底吃了多少農作物?

Warm up: My Head, My Shoulders

Shake Your Sillies Out

There's a pest in the garden

Moon Moon Moon

Pease Perridge Hot
Clpping game: two on the lap + one clap

Row Row Row Your Boat: 孩子們唱到欲霸不能💗
暖身歌曲:My Head, My Shoulders


0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep
 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep

 0527 繪本唱遊K1: There's a Pest in the Garden + Little Chick and the Secrets of Sleep



0420 Story Class A: A Spot of Bother

豬非常自豪於他那完美無瑕的外表, 但是這天早次他驚恐地發現自己身上有一點紅色的櫻桃漿。 當他的農場好友們試圖幫助時,這點麻煩很快就演變成了一場真正的災難!😅🤣 作者Jonathan Emmett講述故事內容,有趣! 牛好心幫忙,但卻愈幫愈忙... 綿羊的幫忙,更是演變成大災難...